Meal Plan Terms & Conditions
A. The student agrees that if attending the University of Tennessee and a meal plan is selected, he/she will take meals in the dining facilities for the entire period of the contract. Vol Dining, under this contract, will provide either the Meal Plan or Dining Dollars Plan the student has selected.
B. At the beginning of each term, the first meal served will be breakfast on the first day of final registration for classes for that term (2 days prior to first day of classes). The last meal served for the term will be the evening meal of the last day of final exams for that term. (Please refer to the academic calendar published here http://registrar.utk.edu/academic_calendar/ to see the exact date.) For the 2024–2025- year, Freshman may elect to purchase early arrival funds at a listed price to begin a portion of their meal plan sooner. This additional charge will be added to their myUTK statement.
C. The meal plan contract is a two (2) semester commitment that covers the entire academic year (Fall and Spring Semesters). Meal plan charges are posted by the semester; so there will be two charges for the academic year. Meals are not valid between semesters and during Spring Break (Saturday to Saturday). Dining Dollars will roll over from Fall to Spring semesters provided the student remains enrolled at the University and on the same meal plan from the previous semester. Dining Dollars are forfeited if the student leaves the University or is released from the contract for any reason. Unused Dining Dollars expire at the end of the Spring semester and are nonrefundable. (Please refer to the academic calendar published here http://registrar.utk.edu/academic_calendar/ to see the exact date.)
D. Block 100/Block 75/Block 50 meals will roll over from Fall to Spring semester provided the student remains on the same Block plan. If a student changes from the Block Plan to another meal plan, any unused Block meals are forfeited.
E. Students that change to a different meal plan within the approved time frame given will receive a credit for their existing meal plan and a charge for the plan they are changing to. These amounts will be calculated in proportion to the date of the change. Exceptions include the Block 100/75/50 Plans, the Dining Dollars Plus Plan and the Dining Dollars Plan. These plans are block plans and carry a semester rate.
F. Refunds will not be given for meals missed due to academic scheduling problems or trips taken by the resident for academic or extracurricular purposes. For periods of sickness or hospitalization, a refund will be granted for only those meals missed in excess of 15 consecutive meals with medical verification.
G. Whenever possible, Vol Dining will assist students having special dietary needs upon receipt of a letter or dietary plan from the student’s physician in accordance with Vol Dining’s registered dietitian. Refunds or reduced rates cannot be made because of special dietary requirements.
H. The student assumes responsibility for assuring meal plan validation each term. Failure to pay fees or use the meal plan does not constitute a release from the Meal Plan/Vol Dining Contract with the University.
I. Vol Dining reserves the right to control the use of meal plans within dining facilities.
J. Meal Plans and Dining Dollars cannot be shared or transferred to another student.
K. All off-campus residents that sign up for meal plans must pay applicable state and local sales tax.
L. On-campus residents who contract for an on-campus plan and subsequently move out of University Housing will be converted to the off-campus version of their current meal plan. Applicable state and local sales tax will be added to the remaining portion of the meal plan and charged to the student’s myUTK account.
M. Students that are released from their Meal Plan/Vol Dining contract (who meet the criteria to do so) will be refunded the unused meals portion of their meal plan based on the Meal Plan/Vol Dining refund schedule which follows UT’s schedule published on the One Stop Express Student Services website and the unused Dining Dollars based on the amount spent.
The University will adhere to the following schedule for the refunding of meal plan charges for students officially withdrawing from the University or released from their contract during an academic term, regardless of reason. The effective date for any meal plan refund will be the date that the student officially withdraws, has the meal plan account invalidated, or is released from the contract, whichever occurs later. Percentages reflected below will be adjusted by the actual amount of Dining dollars used prior to release from the meal plan.
If release, withdrawal, check-out or Percent of total fees invalidation of meal plan occurs: refunded will be:
A. From the day the halls open through 100% the day prior to the first day of classes
B. From the first day of classes through 90% the first seven calendar days of the term
C. Between 8-14 calendar days of the term 80%
D. Between 15-21 calendar days of the term 60%
E. Between 22-28 calendar days of the term 40%
F. 29 or more calendar days of the term No Refund
Approved cancellations will be refunded based on the date the student applies to cancel or the last day the plan is used, whichever comes later. Meals are refunded according to the above schedule and Dining Dollars are refunded on an unspent dollar-for-dollar basis for the term of refund (carry over balances will not be included).
N. Students may change their meal plans a maximum of twice (2 times) per semester. Changes may be made through the 28th calendar day after the first day of classes. Due to each plan having a unique daily rate, an additional charge or credit may be incurred if the student changes plans after the semester begins. Students are responsible for all amounts owed to the Bursar as a result of meal plan changes. No changes can be made on or after the 29th day of classes.
O. All First-Time Freshmen living in an on-campus residency are required to have either the Tennessee Unlimited 7 ($300 DD) Meal Plan or the Tennessee Unlimited 5 ($400 DD) Meal Plan. The student will automatically be assessed the Tennessee Unlimited 7 and, if preferred, will need to change to the Tennessee Unlimited 5 through their myUTK account.
P. All other undergraduate students (taking 6 credit hours or more) will participate in the Flex Plan Program (no action needed by student as this is a default). If you choose to purchase a meal plan, you will be exempt from the Flex Plan Program.
Q. This contract may not be cancelled unless you are not enrolled during the academic term. Once you have made your selection, you are legally bound to this contract for the entire Fall/ Spring academic year.
By submitting, you agree that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions and are signing up for a meal plan for both Fall and Spring Semesters with Vol Dining.